Parents as Teachers Growing Lions Families enjoyed a trip to the Rolling Hills Zoo Learning Center for story time, animal encounters, songs, and crafts.
Today the Cosmosphere is at MGS. The fourth graders learned about Dr. Goddard and how rockets work.
Feathered Friends at Rolling Hills Zoo! Predator birds catching their insects as prey!
Miss Teagan taught Kindergarten friends a bird game, Predators and Prey!
Kindergarten students traveled to Rolling Hills Zoo for their monthly learning lab. This month, we learned about Feathered Friends!
Quizlet Live got intense in Spanish 2 today. #LionPride
Come see Newsie tonight or tomorrow at 7:30pm at the MJSHS Auditorium. $5 general admission, $10 for premium.
Mrs. Shaft and Mrs. Jackson teamed up for Book Buddies! Kindergarten and Sixth Grade students loved their time together! They can’t wait to meet again!
Correction on JH Basketball @ Bennington today. Start time of 4pm. Schedule as follows. East Gym- BG, AG, AB ---West Gym- BB, CB, 1/2CG
The Fifth grade Science classes designed, engineered and constructed paper roller coasters. The kids learned cooperation, problem solving, oral speaking and of course science skills throughout this lesson.
Today we played subtraction bowling during our Acorns to Oaks time in Mrs. Pratt's 1st grade. We would love to have more community members join us on Wednesdays from 2:15-2:45!
Mrs. Thomas, outstanding MGS para and future educator, teaches Mrs. Shaft’s Kindergarten students about pushes and pulls!
Tucker repairs Chromebook’s as part of his career tech class.
High School Art students presenting amazing work at the USD 239 Board Meeting.
Congratulations to Mrs. Ruthie Sanders, 1st grade teacher at MGS, for being the recipient of the VFW Smart-Maher Citizenship Educator Award. She was presented her award by Corky Schur, President of VFW Auxiliary #3201, at the MGS Veterans Day concert.
MHS Spanish students coloring Mayan designs. #LionPride
MHS Spanish students visited Union Station in KC today to view their current exhibit Maya Rise of the Jaguar. #LionPride
USD 239 would like to thank all of our Veterans for their service. Happy Veterans Day!
Congratulations to these students for qualifying for district honor choir!
Dress your closet JH dance this Friday, 7-9pm in the cafeteria. $1.00 admission. MJH students only.