Attention Senior Parents - Pictures and Tribute orders are due FRIDAY! Email Mrs. Corman if you have questions!
MHS presents "Clue" Friday and Saturday, March 10 &11 at 7:30pm
Students in Mrs. Shaft's Kindergarten Class are hard at work developing their reading skills. Every day, they use DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Time to practice in their books. If you ask any of them, they will tell you, "Readers are Leaders!"
Mrs. Shaft's Kindergarten Friends had a blast at Theatre Salina! They attended the musical, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The cast did a great job! No pigeons were found on the bus ride home!
The MHS track apparel store is open until March 5. Follow the link to order your gear!
Kickoff Track and Field MHS NCAA sweepstakes. Calls are being made MONDAY NIGHT! Help us out and win BIG!
The Minneapolis Lady Lion basketball team would like to thank Citizens State Bank and Owen Kindall for providing their pregame meal last night.
Check out the latest MGS PBL Newsletter here!
Home Girls Basketball @ 6pm will be streamed via this link tonight. The boys game will be @ Sabetha tomorrow @ 6pm and can be streamed via this link. GO LIONS!
MHS girls postseason game at 6pm at MJSHS gym followed by Russ Tuttle's presentation on Human Trafficking at 7:30pm. Pack the gym and auditorium for your hometown Monday!
Brayton Peters places 5th at the state tournament. Congratulations, Brayton! #LionPride
Augustus Johns places 6th at the state tournament. Congratulations, Gus! #LionPride
With a 7-0 victory, Brayton Peters places 5th in state. Way to go, Pete! #LionPride
Gus Johns loses in consolation semis by medical forfeit. He will place 6th in state. #LionPride
Brayton Peters loses in sudden victory in the consolation semis. He will wrestle for 5th place next round. #LionPride
Peters and Johns advance to the consolation semis and will be state medalists. Johnson and Smith drop 2 heartbreakers in the blood round and are eliminated. The coaches proud of their effort and season. #LionPride
With 4 hard-fought wins, Jihnson, Peters, Smithh, and Johns all advance to the consolation quarterfinals. #LionPride
Riley Bohl has been eliminated from the state tournament. Thank you, Riley, for all your hard work and dedication. The coaches could not be prouder of you and how far you've come! #LionPride
Peters advances on the back side with a technical fall. #LionPride
Johnson and Smith with tough losses in the championship quarterfinals. Peters and Bohl still to wrestle on the backside next round. #LionPride