Sophomore homecoming float is coming along. #LionPride
Sophomore class is hard at work on their float for the homecoming parade. #LionPride
Juniors float decorating for Homecoming 2022!
High school (big kids) helping our 2nd grade (little kids) learn about space.
Favorite Holiday class winners from Tuesday.
Zoom Day winners from Monday spirit week!
JV football gets a win over Sabetha 30-20 tonight. Congrats! Way to start the week.
Just a reminder of the early JV football game at 4pm today. Also, there will not be a concession stand this evening.
HC week 2022!
MJH Lions Volleyball were 2nd out of pool play and came home with 4th place at the Rep. County tournament. Way to go ladies! 🏐🏅🏐
Friendly reminder that JV Football next Monday will take place at 4pm instead of our regular time of 5pm so that Sabetha can get home at a decent time on a Monday night. Thanks! Have a great weekend!
MHS XC medalists from Southeast. M. Krueger 9th, A. Cossaart 2nd, varsity girls. J. Abell 21st, varsity boys. All of the Lions had a great day on the course! #LionPride
MJH XC medalists from Southeast. A. Just 4th, 7th gr. girls. C. Marsh 9th, 7th gr. boys. S. Knoll 8th, 8th gr. girls. A. Oppenheim 3rd, O. White (not pictured) 6th, 8th gr. boys. #LionPride
5-7th Grade Parents,
Join us Tuesday, September 20th - 7:00pm for a 25-min digital meeting on the 2024 Washington, D.C. trip. Each traveler is eligible for an Early Bird Scholarship of $500!
To RSVP, click here:
To join the meeting, simply click this link:
Don't miss out!
Sarah Weis - Trip Sponsor
Reminder that tonight's JV football game @ SES has been moved to 6pm. There will be no concessions so plan accordingly.
Homecoming court 2022. Back row: Camden, Logan, Isaiah, Shafer, Tucker, and Conner. Front row: Alayna, Jordan, Acacia, Maize, Riley, and Halli. Congrats 🎉!
Go Lions!
Winning teams from summer conditioning getting Mr. Mortimer style Diamaru for lunch today.
Attached is the live results link for HS XC @ Clay Center today! GO LIONS!!
MJH XC medalists from Clay Center. 7th girls A. Just 2nd. 7th Boys C. Marsh 22nd. 8th girls S. Knoll 10th, M. McKain 26th, L. Young 35th. 8th boys A. Oppenheim 15th, O. White 20th, C. Dawson 38th, C. Sauers 51st. The Lions ran hard today in races with LOTS of runners. #LionPride