Lions Football Web Store is up. Get your orders in now!!
Reminder this week is Lion Pride Conditioning Camp
August 7th-August 10th
For all JH/HS student athletes
Meet on the Football Field
Last day of Jump Start water fun!
One more reminder to please enroll your students online before Friday. All forms for each student need to be completed as well as the "other" district forms. You are welcome to pay fees online or stop in the office at your convenience. Please refer to the green sheet in your packet for instructions or call the office at 785-392-2113. Thank you.
July 19th online enrollment opens. Click the link to enroll online.
In-person enrollment is July 26th from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., July 27th, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. New students to MJSHS please enroll on July 27th.
July 10th, 2023 School Board Meeting, click the link to watch.
Summer Strength and conditioning resumes Monday the 10th
HS boys 6:30 am
JH/HS Girls 7:30 am
JH boys 8:30 am
Evening weights for anyone 5:45 pm.
VFW is looking for students needing service hours. Workers will be in a food stand at the Ottawa Co Fair, July 18-21. Contact Vicki Gotti @ 785-822-1890 to sign up. All students 9-12 need 40 hours of community service.
Open wrestling room for MJSHS wrestlers tonight at 6:00. Hope to see a good crowd again tonight! #LionPride
Summer Enrichment students studied city planning and how communities improve. They completed a replica of downtown Minneapolis using recyclable material.
Summer Enrichment at MGS last week! The older students made edible aquifers showing how water and pollution travels down to the groundwater.
USD 239 is looking for a part-time nurse for the 2023-2024 school year. To view all of our job openings and details of who to contact and applications can be found out
A HUGE shout out to these two gentlemen for all their work on the MGS playground. They have put in 10-12 hrs. per day for the past week instead of their regular duties. If you see them in the community tell them THANK YOU! Thank you Mr. Vignery and Mr. Runnion!!
MJSHS open wrestling room tonight at 6:00. #LionPride
Kindergarten, first graders, and second graders have enjoyed creating art with Mrs. Mullen during the enrichment summer school at MGS.
MGS is asking for students needing community service hours for assistance on June 15th at 9:00am. New mulch is being added to the playground and the Cubbackers can use your support. Steel rakes and gloves will help to bring if you have them.
Open wrestling room starts tonight at 6:00. Hope to see lots of MJSHS wrestlers there! #LionPride
Friendly reminder that Summer weights/conditioning will start next week on Monday June 5th. The original schedule sent out had a typo on the start date. The times of the different sessions are all correct.
Don’t miss out on June’s StoryWalk in Markley Grove Park. “Frog on a Log” is a fun story that works on rhyming. To extend learning challenge children to a game of leap frog, sing 5 little frogs sitting on a log or play the rhyming name game.
MJH XC had a great team camp. Can't wait to watch these kids compete in the fall! #LionPride