B. Smith 1st at Ellsworth 150 lbs. #LionPride
J. Abell 1st at Ellsworth 138 lbs. #LionPride
Z. Larson 3rd at Ellsworth 132 lbs. #LionPride
C. Johnson 1st at Ellsworth 120 lbs. Chase was also voted outstanding wrestler! #LionPride
K. Wheeler 2nd at Ellsworth 113 lbs. #LionPride
HS bball vs SES is still on for this evening. Updated order. Aux Gym starting at 4:30-1/2 CG, 1/2CB, JVB, JVG. New Gym- 6:00pm VG, VB.
JV HS Wrestling at Concordia has been cancelled for this evening.
MHS Wrestling from Ellsworth on Saturday will be livestreaming at the link below. Action begins at 9:00. #LionPride
There will be a junior high wrestling parent meeting in the MJSHS auditorium on Tuesday, January 9th at 5:30 P.M.
The wrestling apparel webstore closes Sunday at midnight.
Welcome back from break! We host Southeast of Saline tomorrow night for HS Basketball. The Lions Club will be hosting a soup supper throughout the evening. Come out and enjoy some good basketball and good food! Gym schedules for the evening-New Gym: 4:30-1/2CB, 1/2CG, VG, VB. Aux Gym: 5:30 JVB, JVG
Merry Christmas from Mrs. Shaft's Class! Her Kindergarten kids had a great last day celebrating their hard work this semester! Santa Claus' sister, Prudence, even stopped by!
The Minneapolis Wrestling webstore has reopened for the junior high season, but anyone can order. Click the link below to order by January 7th. #LionPride
The MHS wrestlers defeated Wellington and Bluestem to take 5th in the 16 team Marion County duals tonight. #LionPride
Wrestling from Hillsboro will resume at 6:40 Vs. Wellington. #LionPride
Had to start a new wrestling livestream. Sorry for the inconvenience. Lions defeated Hesston and Riley County. We are waiting to see if we will go to Mation or stay in Hillsboro. #LionPride
There is a new livestream for wrestling. The first one had technical difficulties. #LionPride
Lions lose to Burlington 39-42.
MHS Wrestling starts at 3:00. We will dual Burlington, Hesston, and Riley County to start the tournament. #LionPride
MHS Wrestling action tonight from Hillsboro will be livestreaming on the MJSHS YouTube channel. #LionPride
USD 239, December 11th, 2023 School Board Meeting can be watched here. https://youtu.be/bkWLj9qjFrg