USD 239 will have a 2-hour Delay on Tuesday, January 21. The National Weather Center predicts negative temperatures and wind chill late Monday evening and early Tuesday morning for Minneapolis, KS, and the region.
USD 239 Superintendent Stevens stated, “With the overnight temperatures dipping as low as -8 degrees, and with a possible 4-6 mph wind, the conditions are prime for a wind chill of -17 degrees; a 2-hour delay will provide some additional time to increase morning temperatures for any students walking to school. After consulting with Stoney Runnion, USD 239 Transportation Director, I feel the sunlight will also help increase the temperature by as much as 10 degrees and prevent our diesel busses from stalling due to a frozen fuel line.”
Dr. Stevens stated, “We are advising students to bundle up. Please wear a coat, hat, and gloves.”
For tips on preventing frostbite, check out the following link to the American Academy of Dermatology Association: How to Prevent Frostbite.